Tools of the Trade

Being a wine lover and collector, I have been given many wine related gifts over the years. Some of have been great, some just collect dust. Then there are some that just are so valuable, they become part of the family. Like this little collection here.

The silver shaped Pac-Man looking object is a foil cutter. Yes, the standard corkscrew come with a foil cutter but frankly, it is a pain in the neck and I have cut my finger more times then I care to count. This round cutter goes right on top of the bottle and with a spin or two, your foil is cut. Bonus- the little foil disc it leaves behind is a great countertop soccer ball (for another post)

Below the cutter is my favorite corkscrew. It was a gift from and has a double claw, meaning it can hold onto the bottle in two places. Fantastic when you have an uber stubborn cork. The grip is very solid and it also looks pretty cool.

Last in the upper right is a wine stopper that was also a gift from my sister during one of her travel jaunts. Its a sea turtle who unfortunately is down one flipper and his head. We still love it though and were in agony when we thought we had thrown it away by accident once. Clearly, its well used and well loved.

These three, along with glass or mug or jar, are about all that is needed to enjoy a bottle of wine. Let me know your favorites in the comments! Cheers!

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